S7 E29 Susanna Blamire (the Muse of Cumberland) and the Season Finale


December 30th, 2023

1 hr 20 mins 3 secs

Season 7

Your Hosts

About this Episode

S7 E29 Susana Blamire and the Season Finale
Eliza Ross: Miss Mary____, Unnamed, Will you Take a Wife Donald,
Christian Dalrymple (via James Watlen): Miss Watson’s Favorite
Anna Gordon: Clark Colven
David Young: Tibbie Fowler of the Glen, Hey My Nanny,
Ewan Maccoll: Tibbie Fowler
Susana Blamire: I’m Tibby Fowler of the Glen, Oh Jenny Dear I’ve Courted Lang, Oh Donald! Ye are Just the Man, Jack Lattin, Cumberland Scold, Dear Nancy, Oh Jenny Dear the Word is Gane,
Henderson: Lucy Campbell
William Blackstone: Commentaries on the Laws of England
William Vickers: Cold and Raw

If you want to watch two stellar webinars hosted by the Woodsworth Grasmere https://wordsworth.org.uk/ , which houses Blamire’s Archive I’d recommend these videos:

Low F Women’s Set

1812: (Miss Mary___, and Unnamed Jig From Eliza Ross’s Manuscript
You can buy the New Book version here from the National Piping Centre:


1791: Miss Watson’s Favorite from John Watlen’s Celebrated Circus Tunes


Late Eighteenth Century: Clark Colven
I arranged this based on how it appears in the rather expensive book “The Ballad Repertoire of Anna Gordon, Mrs. Brown”
I’m away from my copy at the moment, but you can see similar lyrics here:


Susana Blamire:
The Remainder of the Tunes and songs come from the Poetical Works of Susanna Blamire, which were first published in 1842, nearly fifty years after Susanna Died in 1794:

Song from Susanna Blamire’s Poetical Works https://archive.org/details/poeticalworksmi00maxwgoog/page/n6/mode/2up?view=theater


Tibbie Fowler

1737 Tibbie Fowler in the Glen from Drummond Castle Manuscript (Ross’s Music Page:


1787: Tibbie Foweler from Scots Musical Museum by Johnson (and Burns and others)

Pre 1794: I’m Tibby from Susanna Blamire’s Poetical Works https://archive.org/details/poeticalworksmi00maxwgoog/page/n6/mode/2up?view=theater


Pre 1794: Oh Jenny Dear I’ve Courted Lang (Lucy Campbell from Henderson) from Susanna Blamire’s Poetical Works https://archive.org/details/poeticalworksmi00maxwgoog/page/n6/mode/2up?view=theater

1900: Lucy Campbell From Henderson’s Tutor for the Bagpipe and Collection of Pipe Music


Pre 1794: Oh Donald! Ye are just the man from Susanna Blamire’s Poetical Works https://archive.org/details/poeticalworksmi00maxwgoog/page/n6/mode/2up?view=theater

1812: Will you Take a Wife Donald From Eliza Ross’s Manuscript
You can buy the New Book version here from the National Piping Centre:

Pre 1794: Cumberland Scold (Jack Lattin) From Susanna Blamire’s Poetical Works https://archive.org/details/poeticalworksmi00maxwgoog/page/n6/mode/2up?view=theater


1737: Hey My Nanny from Drummond Castle Manuscript (Ross’s Music Page:

Pre 1794: Dear Nancy from From Susanna Blamire’s Poetical Works https://archive.org/details/poeticalworksmi00maxwgoog/page/n6/mode/2up?view=theater


1766: Commentaries on the Laws of England from William Blackstone.
Read in full https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_commentaries-on-the-laws_blackstone-sir-william_1766/page/430/mode/2up .

You can Read the Abigail and John Adams Letter Exchange from 1776 here:


Pre 1794: Oh Jenny the Word is Gane (Cold and Raw) From Susanna Blamire’s Poetical Works https://archive.org/details/poeticalworksmi00maxwgoog/page/n6/mode/2up?view=theater

1776: Cold and Raw from William Vickers’ Manuscript:



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