Wetootwaag's Bagpipe and History Podcast
Original Compositions, Historic Tunes and Popular Culture of the 18th and 19th Centuries
We found 10 episodes of Wetootwaag's Bagpipe and History Podcast with the tag “walsh”.
S5E22: Discussion of The Patrick McDonald Collection With Keith Sanger, Matt Seattle, Barry Shears and Pete Stewart
August 7th, 2021 | Season 5 | 1 hr 20 mins
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
From Joe Hughie McIntyre courtesy of the Barry Shears Collection: Tulloch Gorum, Sandy Cameron, Eight Men of Moidart, Miss Proud.
This episode is a discussion between myself, Keith Sanger, Matt Seattle, Barry Shears and Pete Stewart with Patrick McDonald's Collection of Vocal Airs as the starting point.
email me at wetootwaag@gmail.com if you'd like to participate in a book club discussion of the Patrick McDonald Collection Book on Wednesday August 11th at 7 PM US Central Time US.You can support the Podcast by Joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
S5E20 Lament of a Druid and William Litten's Manuscript With Guest Music from David Barrett
July 17th, 2021 | Season 5 | 52 mins 17 secs
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
Litten: Prince of Wales Minuet, The Goose’s Minuet, Kissing and Flirting, Kissing and Drinking, The Royal Hunt, They Royal Review, St. Catherine’s Lane at Five, Duke Gordon’s Reel, Cotillion.
Fox: Lament of a Druid
Neal: I’m asleep and Don’t waken me
Set from Dave Barret: Red Haired Boy, and Paddy’s Leather Breeches.
Piobaireachd: The VauntingSpecial Thanks to David Barrett for sending in a track from his Starting to See Album,
To pick up a copy to support Blinded Veterans of America you can see it on Band Camp:
https://visionpiping.bandcamp.com/album/starting-to-seePlease Consider Supporting the Podcast at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
Season 5 Episode 19 A Chat with Joey Abarta about Pat Sky and American Uilleann Piping
July 3rd, 2021 | Season 5 | 1 hr 13 mins
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
Patrick Sky: Many A Mile
Joey Abarta: Eibhli Gheal Chiuin Ni CHearbhaill (Fair Gentle Eily OCarroll)Please Consider Supporting the Show by Joining the Patreon:
https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag -
Season 5 Episode 18: Mr. Preston’s Hornpipe & I am Asleep Don’t Wake Me with Music from Pete Stewart, Rob Turner and Simon Chadwick
June 26th, 2021 | Season 5 | 1 hr 16 mins
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
Season 5 Episode 18: Mr. Preston’s Hornpipe & I am Asleep Don’t Wake Me with Music from Pete Stewart, Rob Turner and Simon Chadwick
Thomas Marsden: Mr. Preston’s Hornpipe
Fitzmaurice: I’m Asleep and Don’t Wake Me, Mount the Stage, Donald Bran, Loose the Belt, Fitzmaurice’s Trip to Rosline Castle
Walsh: Petticoat Loose, Petticoat Tight
Nixon: Petticoat Loose
Allan Ramsay (Stuart): Cha mi ma chattle
Wright: Past One O’Clock
McGibbon: Cold Frosty Morning
Oswald: Cold Frostie Morning (performed by Rob Turner)
Milligan-Fox (Joyce): Lament of a Druid
O’Farrell: Past One O’Clock
Edward Bunting (Higgins): Tá Mé Mo Chodladh (I’m Asleep Don’t Waken Me) (Performed by Simon Chadwick)Special Thanks to Pete Stewart, Rob Turner and Simon Chadwick for being On the Episode this week.
Pete Stewart has some great videos uploaded to his Youtube Channel:
He Sells three of his books on his website:
He is also the editor of the Common Stock Journal from the LBPS which you can read even if not a member (apart from the most recent issues):
https://lbps.net/j3site/index.php/common-stockRob Turner has glorioius renditions of many tunes from the same collections I have to rip apart and adjust to play, hear them how they were intended by subscribing to Rob’s Youtube page:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMNv7YozytBYTZHjyMGxO1ASimon Chadwick also is a must follow on Youtube:
Simon’s Website is filled with valuable articles and comments on a huge variety of topics, but also many of the printed music sources I play on the podcast:
http://simonchadwick.net/Please Consider Joining the Patreon to support the show!
https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag -
Season 5 Episode 17: New To me Books Preview
June 12th, 2021 | Season 5 | 32 mins 35 secs
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
Patrick MacDonald: Fisherman’s Song For Attracting Seals, Sister of Loves, Chiu-ri-ruo, Wet is this night and cold.
Iain Gelston: Hop Pole, Shields Bar, St. Mary’s Hornpipe, Pegwhistle Barn
Niel Gow & Sons: The Highland Watch, Now the 42nd Regt or Royal Highlanders
O’Neill: Wind That Shakes the Barley
Harrison: Largo’s Fairy Dance
Litten: The Woodford Ship
My Setting: Auld Lang Syne, Wind That Shakes the Barley++++++++++
Please consider joining the Patreon to support the show: https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
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Season 5 Episode 16: Colclough Geoghegan, O’Farrell and Sky
June 7th, 2021 | Season 5 | 1 hr 6 mins
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
Colclough: Colclough’s Hornpipe, Rakes of Westmeath, Llewellyn
Burke Thumoth: Rakes of Westmeath
O’Farrell: Waterford’s Waltz, O’Farrell’s Hornpipe,
Gahagan: Gahagan’s Frisk, Humours of Westmeath, Ravencroft’s Fancy, The Chocolate Pot
William Dixon: How She Will Never Be Guided
Robert Riddell: How She’ll ne’er be guided
William Bingley: The Ash Grove (Llwyn On)
Wilson: Rakes of Westmeath
Francis O’Neill: Rakes of Westmeath
McFadyen: Rakes of Westmeath++++++++++
Please consider joining the Patreon to support the show: https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
Season 5 Episode 15: John Murphy’s Collection & Have a Care of Her Johnny
May 23rd, 2021 | Season 5 | 26 mins 38 secs
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
William Dixon: Have a Care of Her Johnny
Daniel Dow: Sandy Gow’s Three Pints
John Machlachlan: Sandy Gow’s Three Pints
O’Farrell: The Douraling, The Gobbyo,
Murphy: Kate Martin, Mrs. Boswell’s Jigg, That’s My Way
Edward Bunting: The Beardless Boy
John Rook: Kate KearneyPlease consider joining the Patreon to support the show: https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
Season 5 Episode 14: Fitzmaurice’s New Collection of Irish Tunes No. 1 with Tune from Chris Norman and David Greenberg
May 15th, 2021 | Season 5 | 44 mins 10 secs
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
Fitzmaurice: A Connaught Air, Spatter the Dew, Moggy Will you Come Again, Billy O’Rourke.
Francis O’Neill: Spatter the Dew
Goodman: Spatter the Dew
Roche: Spatter the Dew
William Vickers: Why Did you Promise to Marry?
Bruce and Stoke: Jockey up in the Hayloft
William Dixon: Hacky Honey
From David Greenberg and Chris Norman: a John Reid Piece, Garb of the old Gaul and Hacky Honey
Please consider joining all the cool kids and start supporting the Podcast by Joining the Patreon:
https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag -
Season 5 Episode 12 Under Named GHB Tunes From James Aird and Guest Track from Brìghde Chaimbeul
May 2nd, 2021 | Season 5 | 49 mins 39 secs
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
James Aird: Three 6/8s called North Highland Reel, Three Tunes called Highland Dance, A skye Dance, three tunes called “A Jig”, A Western Isle Air.
Robert Miller: Two Highland Dances one Western Highland Dance and a Highland Jigg from Ross’s Music Page and North Highland Jigg (9/8) From Keith Sanger
Reverend R Harrison: Western Isles Air
My “Setting”: Braes of Mellinish -
Season 5 Episode 11 Jackson’s Celebrated Irish Tunes Conclusion
April 17th, 2021 | Season 5 | 41 mins 34 secs
aird, bagpipes, baroque, celtic, donald macdonald, eighteenth century, ghb, great highland bagpipes, highland, history, irish music, music, o'farrell, pastoral pipes, scotland, scottish, scottish music, uilleann pipes, union pipes, walsh
O’Farrell: Jackson’s Lake, Maids in the Morning, Sheelina Gra Will You Be Mine
Broadside: The Price of My Pig
Goodman: Jackson Over the Water
Jackson: Jackson Over the Water, Humours to Listivain, Maids in the Morning, Jackson’s Turret, Bouner Bougher
Dixon: Cut and Dry Dolly New Way
Sutherland: Jackson’s Lake
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Thanks For Listening! Please Consider Supporting the Show on Patreon: