S 08 E 12 Saw a Lassie of Fifteen in the Mines at Wicklow: John Sutherland Manuscript Part 2


June 15th, 2024

1 hr 14 mins 7 secs

Season 8

Your Hosts

About this Episode

John Sutherland: The Witches, The Boys of the Mall, Boys Avoid of all Care, Peggy Kelly
Fitzmaurice: Turn the Pig from the Teapot Jigg
O’Farrell: The Gay Lass, Saw Ye a Lassie of Fifteen, The Merry old Woman, Old Women’s Money, Tiarnnan Mayo, Lord Mayo,
Playford: Wou’d you Have a young Virgin or Poor Robin’s Maggot,
Thomas D’Urfrey: Would ye have a young virgin of fifteen years
Chappell: Poor Robin’s Maggot
John Gay: If the Heart of a Man is Distrest with Cares (Scene III The Beggar’s Opera)
Alan Ramsay: Would you have a young Virgin of fifteen Years,
Chetwood: Wou’d you court a young Virgin
Oswald: Saw Ye a Lassie of fifteen Years
James Aird: Miners of Wicklow, Miners of Wicklow
Thompson: Tiagharna Mhaighe-co
James Goodman: Lord Mayo

Cover Art From William Hogarth’s Marriage A La Mode

1811: Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose


1785: The Witches, The Boys of the Mall
From Sutherland Manuscript

1805: Turn the Pig from the Teapot Jigg from Fitzmaurice


1909: The Rose in the Gap From Donnellan: (I DIDN”T PLAY THIS On the Episode)
Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society Vol. 2, No. 2 (Sep., 1909)


1806: The Gay Lass From O’Farrell’s Pocket Companion No. 2


Saw Ye a Lassie of Fifteen Years

1785: Boys Avoid of All Care
From Sutherland Manuscript


1710: Wou’d you Have a young Virgin, Poor Robin’s Maggot from Playford’s Dancing Master


1719: Would ye have a young virgin of fifteen years from
Thomas D’Urfrey’s
Wit And Mirth: Or Pills To Purge Melancholy (In F) https://archive.org/details/witandmirthorpi01durgoog/page/n150/mode/2up


1838: Poor Robin’s Maggot From W. Chappell’s Popular Music of the Olden Time
(Bb I think) https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/91365150


1728: If the Heart of a Man is Distrest with Cares. Scene III MacHeath, Lyrics from Beggar’s Opera
John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/91303356


1734: Would you have a young Virgin of fifteen Years From Alan Ramsay’s Tea Table Miscellany


1709: Would ye have a young virgin of fifteen years from
Thomas D’Urfrey’s Modern Prophets


1731: Wou’d you court a young Virgin From W. R. Chetwood’s The generous Free-mason: or, the constant lady. With the humours of Squire Noodle, and his man Doodle. A tragi-comi-farcical ballad opera. In three acts. With the musick prefix'd to each song


1740s: Oswald’s Caledonian Pocket Companion Vol 2 Cal


1806: Saw Ye a Lassie of Fifteen Years and The Merry Old Woman
(G Major Key Sig…D Bring it home note maybe? Maybe D Mix? But the addition of the C Naturals makes it interesting) from O’Farrell’s Pocket Companion


Both D Major 6/8s with some C Naturals
1780s: The Miners of Wicklow from Aird, vol 1:


1796: Miners of Wicklow From Aird, Vol IV:


1785: The Miners of Wickly
D Major, no C naturals marked.
From Sutherland Manuscript


1806: Old Womens Money
From O’Farrell’s Pocket Companion


Lord Mayo

1806: Tiernna Mayo From O’Farrell’s Pocket Companion (G Dorian?)


1808: Lord Mayo
From O’Farrell’s Pocket Companion Vol 3 ( A Minor)


1787: Tiaghara Mhaighe-co from The Hibernian Muse: (G Dorian)


1860s: Lord Mayo from Goodman’s MSS (Vol 4) In G Major actually? In two modes?


1785: Peggy Kelly
D Major, no C naturals marked.
From Sutherland Manuscript



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