Wetootwaag's Bagpipe and History Podcast
Original Compositions, Historic Tunes and Popular Culture of the 18th and 19th Centuries
We found 10 episodes of Wetootwaag's Bagpipe and History Podcast with the tag “scottish bagpipes”.
S6 Old Favorites Robert Bremner part 3 Bremner’s Guitar Tutor with Special Thanks to Ryan Kirk and Rob Turner
August 6th, 2022 | Season 6 | 53 mins 48 secs
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, light music, nineteenth century, performance, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
Robert Bremner: Stadholders Minuet, Moorish Tunes, Mill Mill O, Willy was a Wanton Wag, and Black Joke.
William McGibbon: Mill Mill O, Willie Was a Wanton Wag
James Oswald: Burlesque on a Black Joak:
Miscellaneous: Clare Dragoons, Braes a MarBig Thanks To Ryan Kirk for the performance and write up. Head over to the Facebook page to tell him thanks!
Thanks to Rob Turner for his Playing of James Oswald’s Burlesque on Black Joke. You can watch his youtube upoload of the tune, along with some stellar background information. https://youtu.be/vHFwsYbvZ-A
As I said in the episode, be sure to check out the rest of his music on his Youtube channel: fiauto
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMNv7YozytBYTZHjyMGxO1AYou can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
S6 Old Favorites again, Robert Bremner 1.5 and 2 Jack Lattin Revisited and Robert & James Bremner and the Declaration of Independence
July 30th, 2022 | Season 6 | 1 hr 9 mins
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, light music, nineteenth century, performance, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
Part 1.5:
Bremner: The Grant's Rant, The Carle He Came O'er the Craft, Miss Blair's Reel
William Dixon: Jack Lattin
John Sutherland: Jack Latone
O'Farrell: Jack Lattin with Variationsand on Part 2:
Robert Bremner, Loch Ness, Feg for a kiss, The Cross Well of Edinburgh & Watermen’s Rant, Open the Door to Three & Invercaul’s Reel, Straglass House.
James Bremner (By Way of Francis Hopkinson), Lady Coventry’s Minuett
Robert Millar: Lady Coventry’s Minuett, St. Paul’s.
Misc: Wha Saw the Forty Twa
Kerr: Wha’ Widna Fecht
Levey: Milk the Churn/ Gliogar an Mheadair (Fig for a Kiss)
You can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag -
S6 Old Favorites S4 E32 Robert Bremner, Vibratto Church Music, Alan Ramsay and William McGibbon
July 16th, 2022 | Season 6 | 1 hr 7 mins
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, light music, nineteenth century, performance, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
Bremner: Elgin, Aberdeen Or St. Paul’s, Grant’s Rant, The Carle Came over the Craft, Blue Britches, Miss Blair’s Reel, Mary Scott, Blue Britches, Cuzzle Together.
McGibbon: She Rose and Let me in, Cumbernauld House, Bottom of the Punch Bowl
Daniel Wright: She Rose and let me inYou can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
Check out my new Album: Bannocks of Barley Meal here:
https://jeremykingsbury.bandcamp.com/album/bannocks-of-barley-meal -
S6 E14 Eliza Ross Manuscript and Borrowed Scottish Smallpipes
July 2nd, 2022 | Season 6 | 53 mins 32 secs
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, jon swayne, light music, nineteenth century, performance, ray sloan, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
Patrick MacDonald:The Mermaid Song, The Fishermen’s Song for Attracting Seals, Spoigan, Joseph MacDonald’s jig, Lord Reay’s Jig, and The Goatherd; Harris Dance
Eliza Ross: Dark Girl of the Sheep, Dark Eyed one of the Night, Tune 70, Jolly Alasdair choice of all the girls, Mr. McKay’s Gig, Dark Girl of the White Feet, You Silly Fool
Edward Bunting: Bonny Portmore
William Vickers: Strike the Bell
William Dixon: Little Wee Winking Thing
Michael Grey: Whitby RunaroundYou can Find Eliza Ross’s Collection here:
1812: Dark Girl of the Sheep, Dark Eyed one of the Night, Tune 70, Jolly Alasdair choice of all the girls, Mr. McKay’s Gig, Dark Girl of the White Feet, You Silly Fool from Eliza Ross’s Manuscript from the Isle of Raasay in 1812:I am mostly playing Ray Sloan Smallpipes in Bb, he kindly provided the Image for the Episode art as well, Thanks Ray! You can check out Ray’s work here,
http://www.borderbagpipes.com/index.htmlYou can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
S6: Cabar Féidh Vol II: Black and the Grey, Rakish Paddy with tracks from the Goodman Trio and Tiarnan O Duinnchinn
June 18th, 2022 | Season 6 | 46 mins 16 secs
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, light music, nineteenth century, performance, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
William Dixon: Black and the Grey
John Johnson: Black and the All Black
Robert Topliff: The Black and the Grey
Davies: John Patterson’s Mare Goes Foremost
John Rook: The Black and the Grey
William Gunn: John Patterson’s Mare
Donald MacLeod: John Paterson’s Mare
Cannon Goodman: Reel,
From The Goodman Trio, Mick O'Brien, Emer Mayock, Aoife Ní Bhriain: The Cup of Tea, The Kerry Lassie.
Francis O’Neill: Sporting Pat, Rakish Paddy
Patsy Touhey: Rakish Paddy
Tiarnan O Duinnchinn: Reggish Paddy,You can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
S6: Cabar Féidh Volume I: 1734-2022 with tracks from Barry Shears and Brian May
June 2nd, 2022 | Season 6 | 1 hr 10 mins
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, light music, nineteenth century, performance, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
Walker Jackson: Jackson’s Humours of Panteen, Jackson’s Nightcap, Jackson’s Morning Brush
David Young: Caper Fei
John Sutherland: Caper Fey
O’Farrell: Caper Fey
Alexander MacKay: Cabar Feidh
Robert Millar: Caperfeigh
William Gunn: Cabar Feidh
Angus MacKay: Cabar Feigh
William Ross: Caber Feidh
Cannon Goodman: “Reel”
J&R Glen: Caber Feigh
Logan: Caberfeidh
Barry Shears: Cabar Feidh, (Settings 59, 99, 159, 206) And a Set of: Caber Feidh (206), Beaver Cove as a reel (94), Chan eil ginni ormsa (177) and Caber Feidh (159).
+X+X+X+If you see this in time come visit at 6 PM US Central time on June 3rd to celebrate my album launch of Bannocks of Barley Meal!
https://fb.me/e/3BvpXpa2TYou can check out Bannocks of Barley Meal on Bandcamp, I hope to have Physical copies available soon:
https://jeremykingsbury.bandcamp.com/album/bannocks-of-barley-mealThanks to Barry Shears for the set of tunes, you can see his website here: https://capebretonpiper.com/
Thanks to Brian May for his playing of Cabar Feidh, you can check out Brian’s website here:
You can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
S6 E11 New Pipes, New Books, New Album
May 21st, 2022 | Season 6 | 1 hr 7 mins
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, light music, nineteenth century, performance, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
Pete Stewart: La Muse au Gros Bourdon, Hunts Up, The Buffens, Bransle d’Escosse I, Salt Fish and Dumplings, Softly Robin.
Iain Gelston: The Seagulls’ March, Renee O’Brien’s
Traditional?: An Dro
Straight and Skillern: The Cave Enchantment
Jeremy Kingsbury: Mio and the Land Far Away, John Charles’ Fireproof Pipes,
William Dixon: Minuet Edward the second.
LBPS Blue Book: I’ll Gang Nae Mair Tae Yon Toon, The Mill, the Mill O’, Wee Totum Fogg, Ye Banks and Breas of Bonnie Doon, My Love, She’s but a Lassie yet
Aird: Bannocks of Barley Meal
Eliza Ross: Alasdair of the Stoups & The Big Foot of the Deceitful OneYou can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
S6 E 10 A conversation with Jamie Campbell about William Dixon
May 7th, 2022 | Season 6 | 1 hr 8 mins
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, light music, nineteenth century, performance, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
William Dixon: Golden Locks, My Love Comes Passing By Me, Black and the GreyYou can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
s6e09 Mini Episode Livestream announcement
April 24th, 2022 | Season 6 | 14 mins 45 secs
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, light music, nineteenth century, performance, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
William Dixon: Jack Latin, Edward the Second, New Way to Morpeth.+X+X+
Hey Everyone, I just wanted to post this quick announcement that I’ll be doing a livestream on Monday night, hopefully with my new pipes. If they don’t come in time I’ll still play some tunes.
The Live Stream will be on Facebook at 6 PM US Central Time, Monday April 25th, you can attend following the below link:
https://fb.me/e/2j85yJyZtYou can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag
S6E08 Smollet Holden, The Hermit of Killarney and Lead Belly
April 23rd, 2022 | Season 6 | 1 hr 11 mins
bagpipes, baroque, border music, celtic music, country dance, dance music, eighteenth century, greath highland bagpipes, history, irish bagpipes, irish history, light music, nineteenth century, performance, recorded music, scottish bagpipes, scottish history, talk show, uilleann pipes, united kingdom history
Ross McNaughton Playing Freeland Barbour’s tune: Pitlochry Highland Games
Smollet Holden: Baltioura, What Call Have you to me Ned, The Yellow Stockings, The Cruskeen Lawn, Round the World For Sport, The Hermit of Killarney, Big Bow Wow, She is the Girl that can do it, Drimindoo
O’Farrell: Adieu, Adieu Thou Faithless World, The Cruskeen Lawn
The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem: Cruiskeen Lawn.
Thomas Crocker: The Hermit of Killarney,
The Weavers: Kisses Sweeter than Wine
Edward Bunting: The Black Cow
David Sear: Drimindown
Lead Belly: If it wasn’t for Dicky+X+X+X+
If you are interested in composing a tune for the Pitlochry Highland Games follow the link here:
You can scroll down to find the rules and where to submit your entry.Don’t forget you can buy Podcast merch here at https://www.bagpipeswag.com/wetootwaag
If you want to watch the Regency House Party it is hosted on youtube in the US, not sure of the availability elsewhere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgZlGrTbZHg&list=PLA41E10951CB748DD
You can support the Podcast by joining the Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/wetootwaag